Dog Proofing - Pavers?

Discussion in 'Hardscaping' started by Digger 1, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Digger 1

    Digger 1 New Member

    I am researching the best way to do some preventative dog proofing. I have a wooden fence and want to put something in front of it to prevent dogs from digging. In the past, I've just had old pieces of lumber or blocks, but I am looking to do something more visually appealing. Someone recommended pavers. Any ideas here?
  2. chickie

    chickie New Member

    Are you trying to prevent your dogs from digging out? Or other dogs from digging in? Pavers could work either way, depending on how they fit into your landscaping designs. With the variety available, you could easily make this a beautiful addition.
  3. Digger 1

    Digger 1 New Member

    My goal mostly is to keep my dogs from digging out. I am leaning toward pavers but I also am not sure whether I should go with just one level or maybe stack multiple layers. Any thoughts?
  4. flowerchild

    flowerchild New Member

    Why don't you stair step? Use 2 wide and then anotheron top of the one next to the fence. I can see all kinds of possibilities here like sitting some potted plants around on that top layer? Give it some thought.
  5. Elanor

    Elanor New Member

    Flowerchild has a great idea, I think stair stepping the pavers would be nice. You could also throw a few decorative pavers into the mix for color.

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